Tag abortion

Abortion bans aim to stop the purpling of red states?

I’ve argued that anti-abortionists have a common cause with Big Brother worshipers. The word “surveillance” has already appeared in some news headlines on states’ enforcement of their anti-abortion laws. But there’s another consequence: young professionals are now less likely to…

But why call them racist?

On the other hand… Pro-choicers and pro-lifers are given to hurling accusations at each other, including the inevitable charge of racism. It is said that restricting minority women’s access to abortion would make their lives even harder. Perhaps a good deal…

Attack of the Russian fetus fetishists

The Russian Orthodox patriarch has called for all abortions to be banned, and his Muslim colleague, the mufti, has joined the appeal, but with a provision for termination on medical grounds. This exception is in line with the teachings of the…