Tag Donald Trump

Genetically modified snake oil, or what?

The Trump University playbook or whatever that manual of marketing trickery is called. I hate to break it to you, but that’s how people sell stuff – all over the world, regrettably. At corporations large and small, global and local,…

Richard Rorty posthumously edited

This is a perfect long article for its genre: a foreign policy expert, who also happens to be a professor of literature, on America’s domestic politics. Rabbit’s clever; the insightful parts are two apposite quotes from Max Weber and Richard Rorty. The problem…

Lynch is no Di Pietro

The theory that Donald Trump is neither quite a Hitler nor truly a Mussolini but an American Silvio Berlusconi is increasingly popular and invariably superficial. (Politically; psychologically, who knows?) It seems to ignore the constants of Trump’s campaign, which occasionally get lost…

I knew it was going to happen

I spent some time reading up on Jeffrey Epstein’s case in early 2015, when Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz were briefly dragged into it. Later in 2015, I thought that sooner or later, either Donald Trump or Bill Clinton or…

What are Trump’s sources on Ukraine?

It may prove unfortunate if Donald Trump’s view of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has truly been influenced, or even shaped, by people like Paul Manafort, a former adviser to Yanukovych, and Carter Page, a former Merrill Lynch banker and fund manager with ties to…

Compared with “nucular,” “TanZAYnia” is no big deal

I have little patience with people mocking Trump for saying Tan-ZAY-nia rather than Tan-zah-NEEah. Fifteen years back, some of these folks bent over backwards to prove that George W. Bush’s “nucular” was exactly the way true and genuine Americans had pronounced…

Prof. Snyder, Trump and Putin

In his latest NYRB piece, Timothy Snyder lists a number of Russian “politicians” supportive of Trump. They turn out clowns of varying colors; none of them operators to be reckoned with. Particularly amusing is Snyder’s naming Alexander Dugin as “the leading Russian fascist ideologue and…