Tag Donald Trump

Adam Shatz’s violent fantasies

Adam Shatz, a contributing editor at The London Review of Books, writes on his blog: Many, perhaps most of us who live in coastal cities have found ourselves having criminal thoughts and violent fantasies since 9 November. Some involve Trump…

Blame it on J. Q.

Josef Joffe is der Herausgeber – “publisher-editor” – of the influential Hamburg weekly Die Zeit. He grew up in West Berlin but went to college and earned his postgraduate degrees in the US. When writing in English, Joffe comes across…

Trust the absurd

An intelligence professional able to reliably report the content of highly confidential conversations between the president of a major power and his trusted lieutenant (both former intelligence professionals) would be a unique asset of inordinate value and would be extremely…


One If you were in the real estate business in NYC, London or Toronto in the late 1980s, the 1990s or the noughties, there’s no way you could have avoided dealing with shady operators of Soviet or third-world extraction. I…

Amusing trivia

Max Boot writes in his latest NYT op-ed: Mr. Trump himself is doing nothing to dispel suspicions with his hyperbolic attacks and his denials that he has business interests in Russia — when his dealings there go back decades. So…


In dealing with Russian authorities, Exxon has always stood out among its peers for toughness. The company has steadfastly rejected opportunities that would not put it in control of a project: it would rather stay away altogether. As a result,…

Don’t forget Grillo

Professor Jan-Werner Müller from Princeton claims in the London Review of Books: But the peculiarity of Trump is that he seems the equivalent of Grillo and Silvio Berlusconi merged into one person. I don’t think he is, but Müller’s view…


Via Arts and Letters Daily, here’s Timothy Snyder’s little pamphlet in Slate, a brief synopsis of Hitler’s progress hinting at Trump’s possible trajectory. A parallel here, an analogy there, et voilà, here’s a case for Bush Trump as Hitler. Yes, I’m…

Why shouldn’t the Kremlin like President Clinton II?

The Kremlin should not mind at all a politically vulnerable, ailing person in the White House. Secretary Clinton fits the description perfectly, assuming that her digital trail and health are truly the sad affair her detractions claim they are. Besides, she is an intelligent, hence intelligible, machine with quite…

Shnaider Tower

Earlier this week, Tim Newman at White Sun of the Desert discussed a BBC report from Canada that looked at, among other things, Toronto’s Trump Tower from the usual angle of Trump being bad, toxic and in trouble. One thing…

Why HRC deserves to become the POTUS

Yes, Secretary Clinton deserves the world’s top job: she has sacrificed her entire life to the quest for this prize. It must have hurt a lot to deny oneself some of the simple normalcies commoners take for granted. Donald Trump,…