Tag election

Quadrillion II

The Quadrillion to the fourth power argument graces an insane, dangerous and all-over anti-American lawsuit. As if it weren’t enough, now the states of New California and New Nevada have filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the Texas…

The system works

A recount in Wisconsin’s two largest counties (by population) ended with Biden gaining a net of 87 votes over Trump. Together, the two counties make up 26% of the state’s population. Biden’s statewide margin of victory is about 20,600 votes.…

Election day, huh?

It’s a complete disgrace, this so-called Duma election today. No one to vote for, anyway. The day began with massive DDOS attacks on LiveJournal.com, newtimes.ru, bg.ru and a few other sites, including one documenting electoral irregularities. Back when I started…