Category Ukraine

Varieties of Russian

No article for Ukraine Though they used to say “ukraines,” it’s “Ukraine” now — for speakers of English as lingua franca. But Russian is likewise both the native language of dozens of millions in Ukraine, Belarus, Central Asia, the Baltics,…

A comment

[From a comment to this blog] I think an interesting difference between Ukraine and Russia is that when the histories of the two nations diverge, the Cossack’s free state, where the political leaders were elected, emerges in Ukraine and is…

Ukraine: History

For references on Ukrainian history, here’s the site of the Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta. Also, check out their publications: they serve appetizing samples for many of the books. The CIUS’ masterwork is the translation…

Political Chromatology

If you were to counter an orange revolution, what color would you choose? Yanukovich’s supporters chose blue: bad choice — blue flags evoke no fighting spirit. Besides, as this post‘s title hinted in vain, it all gets reminiscent of an…

Links on Ukraine

It’s now clear to me that most Ukraine discussants out there are familiar — at best — with the barest basics of Ukraine’s history. They often miss the fact that Ukraine doesn’t really consist of the East and the West…

A pessimist’s screed

We may be witnessing the birth of a political nation in Ukraine. If true, it would set a mighty precedent for two of the neighboring countries. Almost a miracle. But two problems are there to stay. One is the reform…

Ukraine: in Orange and in Blue

Discoshaman has published two pieces on the oligarchic intrigue behind the Ukrainian election. Compare the situation to Russia, where an authoritarian Putin faced off against corrupt oligarchs. In Ukraine, authoritarianism and oligarchy are fused. Yanukovych isn’t just another unscrupulous candidate,…

Ukraine, post-election

That’s where history may be happening right now. Check out Neeka’s backlog from time to time and whatever news sources you can get hands on. An election disputed; crowds in the capital’s squares; a country divided; popular democracy in action…

Ukraine [Yuschenko]

Were I a citizen of Ukraine, I would vote for Yuschenko, that’s for sure — like most educated young and young-ish Ukrainians. As I see it from up North, Yusch’s problem is that Western Ukraine supports him all too ardently.…

Ukraine p.0

I am in no way an expert on Ukraine. Discoshaman, who is living in Kyiv, is in a way better position to comment. Still, I can’t hold back… A poll shows about a third of Ukrainians would like to emigrate.…

Politics as usual

Former Russian PM Chernomyrdin, now ambassador to Ukraine, is said to use profane words so intensely in private conversation that, when he must omit them in a public forum, there are not many left at all. Despite that – and,…