Tag Russia

Where to now, St. Edward?

 Edward Snowden is reportedly waiting for his flight in Sheremetyevo-2, one of Moscow’s three international airports. Flight to – where exactly? Quito, Havana, Caracas? Last time I’ve heard about this on the radio he was reported talking to an Ecuadoran…

Chase off the best

Russian economist flees in new sign of pressure on Putin critics. Not just some economist but the head of New Economic School, probably the only graduate program in economics in Russia that can compete with the best in the US,…

Film director Balabanov dead at 54

 Russian cult film director Alexei Balabanov dies, says a BBC headline. I’m not sure if “cult” is appropriate here because it conjures up the idea of a dedicated but largely non-mainstream following. But Balabanov’s Brother movies were probably as mainstream…

Election day, huh?

It’s a complete disgrace, this so-called Duma election today. No one to vote for, anyway. The day began with massive DDOS attacks on LiveJournal.com, newtimes.ru, bg.ru and a few other sites, including one documenting electoral irregularities. Back when I started…