Nahre Sol’s Variations on HBtY

This video by Nahre Sol is not only immensely enjoyable but, incidentally, goes some way towards explaining – perhaps – why I’m so fond of Schumann:

To think of all the work – the patience and the effort – that went into the creation of this pièce amusante! One of the commenters says he hasn’t heard anything like this since Victor Borge. (These variations are more complex than Borge’s numbers but it’s still a big compliment.) Another one remarks, “None of that sounded remotely like happy birthday. Still good.” With a good ear or some listening experience, you can recognize the theme and follow its transformations in each of the pieces.

Other comments are worth browsing, too. Recommended reading, I’d even say. “The Debussy style made me think of my existence.” Hear, hear!

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