Some well-meaning bloggers seem to believe Pravda is a somehow important publication. In fact (supposing I’m the factfinder here), no one reads Pravda in Russia. Well, someone does, since it gets published, but it’s not a major-league paper, not even the voice of the Communist party anymore. Pravda, as you probably know, means “truth”, and when the Bolshevik started it as a shrill opposition paper in 1912, it was a fresh marketing move — hear you proles, we’re going to tell you how things really are. In the years of Communist domination, it remained the party’s mouthpiece, so that its name became synonymous with “Minitruth”. Most people subscribed to Pravda because they needed to know what the latest directives were. Some time in the 1990s, the paper was bought by two shady Greek millionaries, and has been nothing special since.

Except in one respect: they publish an online English version.

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