Watching TV

I don’t watch TV often. Well, no, I actually watch it every day when I come back home from the office, but my attention span is about two minutes by then, so I am the advertiser’s dream target. Yet there I times when I sit through a news review. Last time I did, I even learned a few things. The most important bit was about Interenergoservice, the company that the two Russian hostages recently killed in Iraq had worked for. According to Russian Channel 2 (RTR), Interenergoservice had four contracts for rebuilding Iraqi power stations, of which only one was signed before the war. That is–assuming Iraq’s electricity industry is government owned, which I suppose is true–it was the post-war administration that signed these contracts with the Russian firm. That would have run contrary to what some US officials proposed, that is, to exclude countries that opposed the war from reconstruction tenders. (Not that Russia was strongly against the war, but it wasn’t enthusiastic either.) If true, it’s a good sign. The fewer eligible applicants, the higher the resulting price, and it’s the people of Iraq (or the US) who have to foot the bill.

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