Russian meddling in Sudan

“When anti-government protests erupted in Sudan at the end of last year,” CNN reports, Omar al-Bashir responded as dictators do – by suppressing the mass protests, causing “scores of civilian deaths.”

At the same time, a more insidious strategy was being developed — one that involved spreading misinformation on social media, blaming Israel for fomenting the unrest, and even carrying out public executions to make an example of “looters.”

…[I]t was drawn up by a Russian company tied to an oligarch favored by the Kremlin: Yevgeny Prigozhin.

It’s taken from Putin’s playbook, viewed retrospectively, with a few extras reflecting either the authors’ repressed desires or their conviction that one has to act tough with those Africans – or both.

Bashir’s government did try to begin implementing some of M-Invest’s plans.

For example, it began detaining students from the Darfur region and accused them of trying to foment civil war… Russian advisers from a private company were placed in several ministries and the National Intelligence Service.

More details are available, in Russian, at the MBK Media site. As a reminder, Omar al-Bashir is under arrest at the moment, in jail, accused of corruption. Well done.

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