A different sort of contaminant

NBC News reports that it has reviewed documents that appear to include “communications between associates of Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Kremlin-linked oligarch indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for previous influence operations against the U.S.”

The documents contained proposals for several ways to further exacerbate racial discord in the future, including a suggestion to recruit African Americans and transport them to camps in Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage.” Those recruits would then be sent back to America to foment violence and work to establish a pan-African state in the South, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

The plan seems a bit anachronistic, to put it mildly, but it could be merely one suggestion out of dozens, possibly ranging from the outlandish to the workable. Who can tell? Meanwhile, on the home turf:

Parents sue tycoon’s firm over dysentery outbreak in Moscow…

… 127 children aged 3 to 7 who were diagnosed with dysentery after eating food at seven state-run day care centers and kindergartens in Moscow in mid-December…

… the catering firm blamed by opposition activists for the outbreak at six of the seven Moscow sites is owned by businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin.

These guys are simply toxic. At times, they seem ignorant and incompetent – to the point of being ridiculous – but they are never short of ideas and sociopathic energy. With a sickly creativity of a skunky schoolyard punk, they will keep looking for weak links and sore spots until someone overcomes one’s natural disgust and applies to them a generous dose of industrial disinfectant.

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