Many thanks to A.C. Douglas for spotting an inimitable entry by art critic Kyle Gann. Alas, my comments would add no value to the pure hilarity of the latter’s rhetoric, like this:
Is there something about living in the age of iPods, terrorism, and corporate dictatorship that makes Mozart now more relevant than ever? Does Don Giovanni embody a cautionary tale that young people of the 21st century need to hear? Does The Magic Flute provide insight into Republican deceptiveness? Does Mozart’s music contain anything that we, today, would understand as emotional certainty, or the fleeting quality of serenity?
“In a self-imposed quest to gain insight into, and eventually expose and deconstruct, the deceptiveness of America’s corporate-Republican dictatorship, professor Gann resorted to such radical means as listening to works of Berg, Bartok and Schnittke at breakfast, lunch and dinner, which resulted in his producing one of the foundational volumes of Post-Post-Post-Modernist sociocultural criticism, The Anthropophagous Elephant Loves Mozart, or, Karl Rove as a Crypto-Hutu.”
Karl Rove as a Crypto-Hutu.
That’s some funny stuff.