Ten years after

Putin has commuted Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s sentence. According to the Russian prison service, he has been freed.

Putin toadies say Khodorkovsky’s clemency petition implies admission of guilt. Of course it doesn’t. His mother is reported to be seriously ill – she’s close to 80 – and prosecutors were building charges against him.

Coerced confessions don’t count.

One comment

  1. I agree with you that this is a very important desicion. Indeed i found very interesting how the court dealt with the application taking into account the international pratice among other Human Rights Tribunals, specially the Inter-american Court of Human Rights pratice and the Belem do Pare1 Convention which is one of the most fundamental norms of the inter-american human rights system. But, i found very strange that the Court didnt take into account the Penal Castro Castro Judgment from the Interamerican Court, that maybe the factual basis are not precisly the same but the judgment has a great approach on women physical integrity must be protected by the States and could help the European Court to develop a strongest doctrine on the matter for future cases dealing with this issue. But this is just a though.However, i believe this a very important desicion and as you well wrote, i hope this would serve as an incentive no only to Europe, also to other countries as well that have the same problem regarding domestic violence.

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